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Often known as board portals, this software is designed to give digital access to meeting materials as well as facilitate collaboration between directors. It also can help reduce the cost and inconvenience of distributing and filing paper-based documents. Anyone who needs to communicate regularly and make decisions needs to find a way to ensure that their meetings are efficient, secure and efficient regardless of the size of the company.

A well-designed and efficient board management system includes features that allow board members to create and share agendas for meetings as well as schedule meetings, send reminders, and upload meeting documents in one central online location. Some solutions also support polls and voting, allowing board members to submit their opinions on resolutions or other issues that could have an impact on the business.

A successful board meeting also includes the preparation and monitoring of meetings. Some of the best tools for managing your board include task tracking software, which let you create checklists of action items as well as track their progress. You can even assign people to certain tasks. This improves accountability and transparency between board members as well as between the executive team, the board and the board.

Finally, the most important element of any effective board management system is a document center that permits board members to access all meeting materials, communications from other board members, organizational policies, and their duties all in one place. This means that once the board member has logged in to their portal, they will have everything they need for their next meeting. This can improve efficiency for both board members and administrative staff since it eliminates the need to gather and distribute meeting material prior to each meeting. This also reduces the time spent on admin tasks following meetings.

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