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Social sciences research studies interactions between human behavior, societal influences and culture. Entrepreneurship is a kind of social science that examines how people can create and sustain businesses to meet the needs of society. It is an extremely powerful force that can transform industries, communities, and the world in general.

A business that makes a positive impact on the community provides entrepreneurs with a sense of satisfaction and purpose in their work. They can leave a legacy to future generations of entrepreneurs. It could be changing the way we shop, ensuring greater access to healthcare and education or addressing inequality and poverty in the world, entrepreneurs can make a huge difference through their business ventures.

Social Entrepreneurship (SEE) is usually used by entrepreneurs who can identify a need, and then create innovative solutions to meet it. This may involve using their existing business knowledge and relationships to expand into new markets or working with partners to create more sustainable products. This can include philanthropy as they wish to support an issue that is important to them.

Academics who participate in SEE can benefit from their research by sharing it through the publications of their institutions, which is an important tool to promote knowledge sharing. This can help to develop entrepreneurial cultures in academia, as well as encourage collaboration with industry as well as other non-academic partners. SSRN’s Entrepreneurship Collection contains scholarly articles which discuss the concepts and ukpip.org theories of Entrepreneurship and their relationship to management and law economics, public policy and economics.

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